
Digital Fingerprinting

Digital Fingerprinting

Delivering Next Generation Fingerprint Technology

Nevada Board of Nursing Live Scan Locations (Board of Nursing Live Scan)

Nevada Cannabis Compliance Commission Live Scan Locations

Nevada document prep live scan locations

Fast and safe walk-ins are welcome, guaranteed and certified. Fast, professional and secure. Inkless fingerprints trusted since 2008. We are a website that is federally accredited by the FBI and Doj.

Ink fingerprint card can also be provided

As a trusted live scanning site, we make background checks for employment, permits, licenses, child care and adoption easily available at low prices.

Our rolling fee is the lowest price

Unlike fingerprints that are inked on paper, digital fingerprints can be transmitted electronically and shared between institutions. Many states, federal agencies, and industries no longer accept the use of ink on paper because it is more efficient and less expensive. Digital fingerprints are now required.

If you are part of certain institutions or industry groups, you are required to obtain a “digital fingerprint” as a requirement for employment or participation.

Organizations that require digital fingerprints

  • Health care
  • Training
  • Government
  • Police
  • Safety
  • Banking
  • Property
  • legal Accounting

The Address Change Updatespp has advanced digital fingerprinting equipment and software.

Have A Question About Digital Fingerprinting?

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